Professional conference organisation with people who care
As a Professional Congress Organiser (PCO), we focus on ensuring that the conference activities are in line with the objectives of the association. At the same time, we keep a close eye on the conference economy and make sure all logistics are carried out according to the plans, giving the responsible parties more time to focus on the scientific content. By focusing on the conference economy, we often help associations increase their income. These funds may support additional activities of the association after the conference.

We can help you with:

- Support for conference bids
- Conference management
- Financial counselling and management
- Fundraising, sponsor & exhibition management
- Communication, IT & marketing
- B2B management
- Participant registration
- Abstract handling
- Venues & social events
- Hotel administration & local transportation

Professor Olivier Cornu
Head of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc’s Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Department.
Conference Management
CAP Partner takes care of overall conference planning and coordination. We assign a conference manager to make sure every detail is perfect and nothing has been forgotten.
We also take pride in generating creative ideas that have the potential to make your conference and/or association stand out.
Support for
conference bids
If you wish to submit a bid for an international conference, we offer support free of charge.
We assist with all facets of bid development, including creating a budget and identifying options for the venue, hotels, and social events.
We are happy to collaborate with the local convention bureau during this process, as needed.
Financial counselling and management
CAP Partner takes full financial responsibility for your meeting, handling all practical aspects related to budgets and accounts.
- We prepare the conference budget and provide financial counselling.
- We handle invoicing and expense vouchers.
- We prepare the final balance and secure proper auditing.
- We investigate opportunities for conference support provided by the conference city.
All account details, such as expense vouchers, invoices, etc. are shared with the local organising committee.
Fundraising, sponsor & exhibition management
We identify potential sponsors, in collaboration with the local organising committee.
We prepare the Sponsor & Exhibitor Manual, including choices and pricing for different sponsorship opportunities.
We negotiate with sponsors, aiming to establish a collaboration that benefits your association and its sponsors equally.
Our goal is to secure continued sponsor collaboration, and we also make sure all applicable ethical guidelines for collaboration are met.
We handle all practical arrangements related to sponsors and exhibitors, before, during, and after the conference.
We believe that each conference should generate income that will support your association’s other projects. Therefore, our approach to sponsorship often reaches beyond the conference.

IT & marketing
CAP Partner handles all aspects of conference communication, from the conference website to marketing and PR. Alert for new media opportunities, we provide custom solutions for your conference.
- We create your conference’s website and provide website maintenance.
- We ensure all relevant materials are available online, before and after the conference.
- We use social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and closed network forums, to facilitate participant networking and disseminate information before, during, and after the conference.
- We arrange presentation and event webcasts, extending your conference’s audience and afterlife. We also enable online file sharing of conference documents.
- We handle participant marketing via email and social media.
- We handle press relations, arranging meetings with the press and providing promotional materials during the conference.
- We offer a conference smart phone app to facilitate communication, networking, and individual programme planning before, during, and after the conference.

“We have organised several international conferences in many parts of the world and therefore have good relations with conference venues and conference suppliers in many different cities and countries.”

Contact our
Conference organisation services experts

Do you know the feeling?
Your conference generated lots of ideas for future activities,
but nobody took the initiative.
We can help you drive the agenda forward.
Participant Registration
CAP Partner provides an efficient online registration system. We take pride in addressing any participant needs and questions that arise before, during, and after the conference.
- We establish and maintain an online registration database.
- Our services include establishing bank accounts, negotiating credit card agreements, and handling debtors.
- We convey practical information and reminders to participants. We also handle all individual participant requests.
- On-site, we provide name badges, create participant lists, and handle registration.
- If desired, we can also provide statistics on conference participants.
- VIP handling is available for speakers and board members.
Abstract handling
CAP Partner handles all aspects of abstract submission, tailoring our services to the size and needs of your conference.
- We are happy to suggest guidelines for abstract submissions and presentations.
- We provide administrative support for abstract submission via an online submission system
- We provide support for the abstract review process by generating abstract overviews, statistics, and an online review system, as needed.
- We handle all correspondence with abstract submitters.
Venues & social events
CAP Partner ensures that conference/social event venues meet your association’s requirements, financially and in terms of space and atmosphere.
- We provide guidance on choice of venue, carefully considering size, location, and service level.
- We conduct price negotiations with the venue and contractors, handling agreements related to catering, technical equipment, staffing, etc.
- We maintain contact with the venue during and after the conference, to ensure that all services are delivered as agreed.
Hotel administration & local transportation
We identify and manage bookings of suitable accommodation options for conference participants. We can also arrange
transportation between your conference’s locations.
We identify different categories of accommodation and handle all hotel bookings, including reservations and cancellations.
We work with local suppliers to arrange transport, according to the conference programme.
We organise travel arrangements for speakers and VIPs and arrange airport pick-up.
Courses & Conferences
CAP Partner’s engagement in the conferences listed below is of varying nature: Ranging from overall planning
and coordination to assisting in fundraising.
14-16 januar 2022 | Virtual | EAFWH International programme - 1st course |
25-26 March 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Feline Inspiration Days |
4 April 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Hygiejnekursus for Tatovører - Copenhagen |
9. April 2022 | Einhoven, Netherlands | European Society for Micrographic Surgery (ESMS) |
15. April 2022 | Slovenia | EAFWH - slovenia Course day 1 |
19-22 April 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Nordic Congresses of Dermatology and Venereology 2022 (NCDV) |
19-20 April 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Dansk Biofilm Arbejdsgruppe |
25 April 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Hygiejnekursus for Tatovører - Fredericia |
3-5 May 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | 4th International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance - ICAHS4 |
5 May 2022 | Gothenburg, Denmark | 6th Nordic Dermoscopy Course |
20 May 2022 | Slovenia | EAFWH - slovenia Course day 2 |
23-25 May 2022 | Paris, France | Conference of the European Wound Management Society & Journées Cicatrisations |
27-28 May 2022 | Madrid, Spain | ESMS Surgery Course 2022 |
10 June 2022 | Slovenia | EAFWH - slovenia Course day 3 |
15-18 June 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | EuroPerio10 |
16-17 June 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Nordic Course on Laser Dermatology 2022 |
23-25 June 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | ECM - CPH 2022 |
11-16 July 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | International Turfgrass Research Conference (ITRC) |
15 July 2022 | Slovenia | EAFWH - slovenia Course day 4 |
25-26 August 2022 | Denmark | Nordic Course on Skin Surgery Basic 2022 |
8-10 September 2022 | Graz, Austria | Annual Meeting of The European Bone & Joint Infection Society - EBJIS 2022 |
11-15 September 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition |
14-16 September 2022 | Bratislava, Slovakia | IADFS 2022 |
16-18 September 2022 | Bratislava, Slovakia | DFSG 2022 |
19 September 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Tatoo Hygiejne Kursus |
23-24 September 2022 | Italy | ISCU Course 2022 |
21 September 2022 | Online | DFU VALLEY Tuscany |
28 September - 1 October 2022 | Stuttgart - Liederhalle, Germany | WundD.A.C.H Kongress 2022 |
29 September - 1 October 2022 | US | Interdisciplinary Diabetic Foot Conference - DFCon 2022 |
5-8 October 2022 | Pisa, Italy | International Diabetic Foot Course 2022 |
7-9 October 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | UEMS ORL meeting |
9-13 October 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | World Congress on Electroporation 2022 |
26-28 October 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | 4EU+ annual meeting 2022 |
3-4 November 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | NSHG-PM Conference 2022 |
11-12 November 2022 | Pisa, Italy | DFU VALLEY Tuscany |
14 November 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Congress of the Danish Microbiological Society (DMS) |
21 November 2022 | Fredericia, Denmark | Tatoo Hygiejne Kursus |